Authentic Learning

What is Authentic Learning?

Authentic learning means learning which happens by actually participating and working on real-world problems, it engages learners by the opportunities of solving real-world complex problems and finding out solutions, in this way learners practice the skills and knowledge that are relevant and real to workplace situations and learn it at the same time. Authentic learning activities include role-playing exercises, problem based activities, case studies, and participation in virtual communities of practice. The learning environment of authentic learning is multidisciplinary in nature, for examples: designing a container for specific purpose, setting rules, planning a budget, and solving a crisis. Authentic approach of learning differs greatly from traditional “lecture” classes, where teachers give students information and content of a subject discipline that students are expected to memorize and repeat on tests. It promotes understanding through discovery and doing.

Please cite as:
Lam, B. H. (2013). Authentic Learning. Retrieved from