Rachel’s Boat

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Topic: Rachel’s Boat
Level: Primary 3 (level: low to high)
Subject: English
Time of lesson: 60 minutes (1 lesson)

Overall objectives:

Upon completion of the lesson, students should be able to:


  • tell the words meaning such as float, sink, bucket, pail, bail, soul
  • identify the Text type: Poem; Text structure: Description; Text features: Title, Poet, Pictures, Bold print, Coloured print
  • tell the main idea of the poem and identify the problem of the character


  • listen to the rhyme pairs in the poem such as B—sea, boat—float, toe—hole, chin—in, pail—bail, soul—hole, shout—out
  • listen to the peers’ sharing and give feedback


  • read aloud the poem with fluency
  • enhance peers’ communication
  • build confident during presentation

Critical thinking:

  • make a comparison between their own solution and the character’s solution
  • think of different solutions for one problem
  • develop analytical thinking skills and creative skills